Idea ready made – first edition of Thomas Moore's Utopia in Poland 1947
Pangea Ultima – plastic, aluminum
Axis Mundi 2021 – steel


Galeria XX1, Warszawa

The exhibition was inspired by an area related to the ideological meaning of the term Utopia. The objects appearing in the exhibition have a symbolic meaning and are a record of ideas related to the utopian, unrealistic design of one's own and/or someone else's life, the consequences of overconfidence or simply a response to wishful thinking. The exhibition addresses universal but also private situations. Eutopia (a happy place) The Greek éu is - good, happy, auspicious. Utopian thinking has a long tradition dating back to the beginnings of European culture. Utopia as a 'non-place' can theoretically exist anytime and anywhere, as man carries within him the need to anticipate a 'new and wonderful world'. Permanent happiness is at the same time a trap.

photos: Ignacy Skwarcan 4,5,6; Gallery XX1, Warsaw, Poland

Anna Bujak ©